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My Journey


My interest in healing began over 20 years ago.  After experiencing great results in my own personal life journey, I decided to embark on learning these skills for myself.


The journey started with learning Reflexology at the British School of Reflexology in London with Ann Gillanders in 2005. I was amazed to learn how magical the human body is and if given time, how the body can heal itself with the support of alternative treatments, real food and supplements.


In 2006 my Husband and I moved to Tokyo and during this time I was led to study the Usui Reiki system of Natural Healing and achieved the level of Reiki 1 to Advanced Reiki (Master level) and qualified in 2007.   Through working on Myself and friends I discovered how powerful one’s own energy can be in helping the soul reach a place of calm and serenity.  The hustle and bustle of everyday life takes us from one thing to another during our day-to-day activities, playing a rollercoaster effect on our minds and bodies. It’s important to make time for YOU!


In 2011 my family and I moved to Texas where I furthered my knowledge and took courses with leading Teachers in Dallas, Texas.  Crystals and Stones have become a part of my daily life over the years, which led me to introducing them in my work.  In 2016 I qualified in Crystal Healing level 1 with SoulTopia.  


Acutonics Vibrational Sound Healing, after discovering this healing many years ago.  I was eager to learn more about how Vibrational Sound healing can benefit our bodies at a deeper cellular level.  Using Tuning Forks that have been aligned to the Hertz and Tones of our universe to balance our bodies to a neutral state so that the Chi can move with ease through the use of acupuncture points, Chakra and energy field of the body.  Tuning Forks are intuitively applied during any of her other treatments she offers.


August 2022 I signed up to practice Sound Healing using Tibetan bowl.  This course was taught by the founder and teacher Charlie Christie.  I met Charlie by attending one of her group sessions and loved the sounds of the bowls.  I am now a qualified Sound Healing Practitioner, this session can be one to one session where you will experience deep relaxation, a shift in your energy field and allowing your body to let go of thoughts, energy, emotions that doesn’t serve you at the time.  Group sessions are slightly different which can take place either in a room or online.  During a group session you will also be taken on a journey to self-heal. I now like to incorporate what I have learnt from Charlie and her courses and combine these in my treatment sessions. 


During my journey over the years, my Intuition has developed and become stronger when connecting with my clients.  I incorporate this in my healings and readings (using tarot and angel readings) for those that are looking for Guidance on their life Path.


I enjoy broadening my skills and knowledge and am constantly researching to learn more to help myself, my family and my clients in Wokingham achieve a sound state of Mind, Body and Spirit. 


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